Rockstar Games has ensured the production values in this tragic film-noir love story are top notch, complete with movie quality voice acting, motion capture, and roller-coaster storyline. A revamped physics engine and detailed interactive environments turn slow-motion shootout levels into breathtaking cinematic experiences. The bullet-time fight sequences that made the first title famous are back, and are more stylish than ever. Remedy, the developers of the original Max Payne title have joined forces with Rockstar Games to create the dark and gritty sequel Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne for PlayStation 2, Xbox and PC.
It's hard to describe most of what Cinema offers in words without sounding generic and bland, so it's definitely recommended that you check it out yourself! Cinema aims to provide the player with more of a movie feel, and pulls the task off quite nicely.
I believe the most hard thing to duplicate would be her pistol. (playing as a beautiful redhead detective in a futuristic clean, yet dark, scenario, while shooting 'posessed').
The semi-popular Cinema mod for Max Payne 2 Cinema features quite a few changes to Max Payne 2, and to the way it's played. I 'd like a 'Control' mod for max payne 2, like, for people with terrible outdated pc who still want to get a feeling for the Control game.